Our approach
People come to Twitter to discover what’s happening in the world right now, to share information instantly, and to connect with people and businesses around the globe. With hundreds of millions of users and over 500 million Tweets being sent each day, there is a great opportunity for businesses to reach a global audience of new and existing customers.
No matter what type of business you are — from a large retailer to a freelance designer; from a B2B software provider to a mobile app company — you can use Twitter to build meaningful connections with a relevant and engaged audience. These connections can lead to actions across a network of loyal customers for your business.
The necessary steps are the following:
1) Create a Profile: Use Twitter to attract and educate potential customers. Every element of your profile — your photo, header image, bio, and pinned Tweet — should reflect your business identity and show the world who you are.
2) Build a content strategy: Write Tweets that spark conversations and keep your audience engaged. Follow our content calendar template to help you develop your own content strategy.
3) Grow and Engage your Followers: if someone follows you on Twitter they’re opting in to hear more from you. Followers can help your business extend its reach, drive sales, and increase awareness.
4) Track your results with Twitter Analytics.
Why is this important?
Twitter is the second largest Social Media Network worldwide. The big advantage of Twitter compare to other social media is the relatevely easy process to gain followers (which means gain attention). Differentely from Facebook people can search by @tag (they can do it in Facebook as well, but the viral mechanism in Facebook is more based on friendship). Therefore it is relatevely easier for a business to gain followers. What is harder in Twitter is to gain potential customers. It is like having your store full of people but only a few are there to buy.
Then you need to limit all your content to 140 characters which sometimes makes difficult for a business to create compelling content with only a few characters.
But it is definitely popular and easy to promote. It is also a must if the business is global because Facebook is very local, Twitter is able to reach a global scale easier.